Translation memory (TM) is exactly what you think it is, in the simplest terms: A database that stores previously translated segments. This translation memory aids professional linguists in keeping production time low and consistency high.
The key word in this definition is segments. When the term "translation memory" is mentioned, often people get confused and think that every translated word is stored individually inside this memory. However, this is not the case. A TM will consist of translated segments, sentences, and paragraphs. Many people feel that translation memories were created for the sole purpose of reducing costs. This is also false. Although the use of TM can cause a slight decrease in price over time, translation memory was created to help maintain consistency and quality throughout documents. TM ensures that mission statements, slogans, and names will be translated consistently throughout all documents for a particular company.
When translating for the first time, do not be too concerned with the potential price benefit of translation memory. Instead, consider for which translations TM is best suited. Over time you will see the benefits. Remember that price alone should not dictate which translation provider you choose. Consider the quality translation that may be gained for virtually the same cost in comparison to not using TM. Translation memory is here to help you keep brand consistency. And that consistency is invaluable to your business.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What is TM and why do I need one?
translation memory