Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What your spelling says about you

In any profession, correct spelling and grammar is important. None of us like to admit it but we all judge a book by its cover and in a world of emails, texting and blogging, our writing IS our cover. No one would send a potential employer a resume with typos. That's why the amount of emails and other materials that is sent with typos and misspellings is astounding.

Some of these grammatical faux pas are even reproduced on a grander scale. In this article, by Jen Carlson of the Gothamist website, she notes several examples within the New York City Transit system. Some of these mistakes are decades old! These errors are enough to leave anyone wondering where the proofreaders were on these projects.

Proofreaders, editors and quality assurance specialists are an integral part of ensuring that a quality product is presented to the world. After all, you are a brand – shouldn't you spell your name correctly?

photo by Wes VerHoeve